A very solid argument for Gods existence and a message to technology nerds, please leave comments

You jump into a volcano to go to Heaven.

Petrol isn't fat from Hell.

1 Corinthians 12:27, We are all part of the body of Christ ( the cosmic consciousness ) separated into spiritual beings having a human existence for evaluation in a challenging imperfect environment, so God can figure out the good and bad bits of himself, he is preening himself, it is obvious that parts of God sinning and acting against Gods best interest, have to be thrown away somehow, in the Souls life review afterwards as nearly all full "Near Death Experiences" (NDE's ) Talk about, keeping as much as he can of the good in Heaven. You already know who the worst part of God is.

Consciousness by definition cannot exist in an atheist materialist worldview, it requires some level of spirituality, your internal observer I believe is a node in the cosmic consciousness which I call God the universe is designed, otherwise, life starting is analogous to a wind flying through a junkyard, and, assembling a jumbo jet, an, d even that doesn't address the problem on consciousness, or, who made the finely engineered perfectly fitting parts, in the junkyard to begin with. 

There is a Cosmic Consciousness, this is obvious, unless you are a solopotist, believing everyone else is a figment of your beautiful imagination, which is unfair, or even Daniel C. Dennett the fool or wind up artist selling books believing that consciousness was a figment of mans imagination. Jesus is your conscience, Jesus is love.

Love is a substance that can be detected by water crystals and empaths, see YouTube for yourself, this is absent in Hell as everyone is self absorbed, and God the father is the power that creates Love, the Holy Spirit the doer, and Jesus the best part of God that sacrificed himself to pay karmic debt and prove his love by dying for us sacrifice, and, taking responsibility and needs to be done for imperfect people like us and setting an example of what love is. Love is not lust, lust is destructive as when people age they fall out, begin with the end in mind in all relationships otherwise heartbreak occurs.

Love should be the world's currency as in Heaven not money. 

If you love your neighbour as yourself as the Bible suggests. everyone has 8 billion people watching their back rather than one selfish individual.

The sentiment of the Lords Prayer is perfect, say it and meditiate on it.

We have turned into narcissists on Instagram and Facebook, at least YouTube is occasionally educational, but even that is turning into spam as we all copy from each other.

Billionaires are, Cocky, Brash, Optimistic, driven by money rather than greater good, half believe in God, but not Judgement, judging by their actions, as they hold onto their money, using their charities, as tax efficient vehicles, to their own ends.

I have been shown the ugliness of my own heart, and I am a lazy, lucky, spreader of the word gossip, and throw stones at glasshouses, alcoholic, commit sexual sins, and, can't give anything 100% long term even God, I'm a massive sinner.

If there is no judgement, for what reason would God send bits of himself to an imperfect World to challenge their metal, he will have to throw the worst of himself into jail and people hardly change, so if they are going to be in jail learning their life lessons, they will be there for a long time.

God may retry bits or all of people in reincarnation. I have a Hitler like life story I got kicked in the groin and damaged by a guy whose nickname sounds like Jew like Hitler in my teenage years went to Germany to work and had a lovely friend Klaus who knew Hitlers Driver.

Obama is fashionable, optimistic, used run a America at war with 7 others to make sure American dollars, will be accepted, spending 650 billion a year on weapons, because he made weapons, and, probably has Alien Technology in Area 51 to blow the whole planet up ,and a Enemy of Jesus Antichrist who is trying to make America Godless like the Pope who said Jesus was a Metaphor, these people haven't seen what I and many others have seen, some even have seen Heaven and Hell, YouTube NDE Hell and see how many hits you get, reevaluate Yourself slow down World and up your game. China Too.

Bitcoin less useful than cash, using as much electricity as Argentina in 2019, claiming obselete Maths calculations of useless hashes are worth the price of a House, and hackable by Alien technology, an obvious near useless cause of global warming, common sense isn't that common, in a Godless world with fools playing monopoly hoping a bigger fool will buy the stuff, slow down Bitcoin.

 One in two Black Americans born in New York get aborted despite being conscious spiritual beings and having done no wrong. Find out for yourself what abortion doctors get paid in New York. 

Big pharma charges $5400 for multiple sclerosis medicine a month in the U.S. no better than a change in diet, America  is selling hope,being pushed by drug dealer doctors when this can be dealt with with herbs or asking Jesus through genuine heartfelt Prayer to Jesus, Insulin costs patients in the U.S upto $900 a month in the U.S. pennies elsewhere.

Hollywood is a flytrap not understanding odds looking to become the next Angela Jolie or DiCaprio.


Netflix is competitive and producing too much content and more aggressive than Hollywood. If you need stories like Conan the Barbarian Samson killing 2000 Philistines with the Jaw Bone of an ass will do. You will find stories from your life mentioned in the Bible, if you look for the reminders. The book of Proverbs makes men rich, please read the book of Eclieastes afterwards if you think this is a great thing.

This is happening to unrepairable electronics in Ghana, because, because a job done imperfectly like making electronics is better not done at all, likewise for programs or anything else, we need to get better quality of effort, we are too lazy to repair. We are doing the consumerism, driven by economics, and consumerism, ruin the Earth dance, 4 Billion worth of clothes every year goes to landfill. I don't even want to think how much food is wasted, stuff claiming to be recyclable which isn't in the normal case.

God got food sacrificed because he needs to eat too, or, populate heaven with perfect animals. Circumcision halves the probability of spreading AIDS and would have died off if we behaved in a Godly manner. Having sex with someone should mean you are married, for better for worse, in a monagamous fashion, being fair to everyone including the less pretty of us who haven't learned yet, that one should treat oneself like someone who deserves to be looked after ,and, eat healthy, and, exercise to be the best version of yourself.

This woman should cause one to believe in the Spiritual Life, Heidi Baker iterinant missionary whose charity Iris Ministries has raised over 1000 from the Dead, I've never found anyone solidly dispute this claim on Google just jealous Christians calling her a Witch.

The best adviser on Mens Mental Health in the World is Jordan Peterson, he is currently leading people to Jesus on his YouTube platform. Anything in excess is an addiction and a poision. Alexander Grace YouTube is good for Honest down to Earth advice on what makes modern Women tick, and, as with men and, being shown my own values through Jordan Peterson and talking to Jesus, the truth isn't fantastic.

 The best thing we can do is love God with all your heart all your soul and all your might. This means praying, beginning with the end in mind especially when dealing with the opposite sex, finding where your talents, and needs of the world align.

Happiness is best found through taking responsibility and living a purpose driven life, its very important that your actions align with your values which ideally should also be Gods values, the ultimate Goal is to get to Heaven and stay there or reincarnate if we need a new challenge, Christianity is unattractive because we are all Selfish.

Judge not lest you be Judged as the Bible says some NDE experiencers had a Non Judgmental Near Death Experience while self riteous Bible Bashers went to Hell for a while, maybe it's part of their soul contract but also if we get to Heaven and realize we don't deserve it on reflection over our lives maybe it will become Hell, and according to the Bible the Devil can disguise himself as a being of light.

One in 25 Americans had a Near Death Experience where the Blind have seen, People have seen Colours that don't exist on Earth, they saw full 360 degrees like an Orb, People have existed in a State outside Time. Some went to Heaven or Hell, talked to Jesus and seen God The Father on His Throne, a lot had a life review and felt all the consequences of their actions. for more YouTube Near Death Experience, Sid Roth, Saddleback Church.

We have no idea what others are going through, addiction, even to Soft Drinks, is helping make Hell on Earth us not being the best versions of ourselves.

Additional Evidence....

Jean Michael Jarre added white noise to the recording of oxygen to improve sound quality the only way this will work is if the white noise knew how to configure itself to improve sound quality it's now a common recording trick or gurus who don't give god credit. I've seen dithering improve digital sound quality but how this works in an analog recording i don't know.

A possibility is Zeus is god the father who lived in coronation street mount olympus 8000 years ago his huge temple is made of close to or exactly a single piece of marble including the many thousand ton roof and the pillars look more perfect from the ground than if they were cylindrical. His wives like Hera caused trouble with sneaky snakes of Athens so he went to heaven and restarted with Adam.

In the beginning was the word which came in the big bang information DNA from a singularity in a black hole in another multiverse and god's and demons including Greek god personalities assemble from this.

Consciousness the only thing that exists the multiverse way of observing itself

A higher power is watching even aliens are watching and disarming nuclear bombs going off with us firing at each other see http://gaia.com as I said god is a powerful alien the centre of the cosmic consciousness top dog multiverse consciousness.

The bible says before you were born I knitted you in your mother's womb. Have you ever heard a more complete description of the double helix DNA, RNA, blood vessels, arteries, organs all the way up we did not self assemble from randomness too statistically inconceivable unless I'm a god who assembled himself from the word.

God is an alien in a place called heaven where everything is nice and cooperates to make music a better case of whistle while you work Jesus is holy cos he has holy hands god's throne is a toilet and high pressure between god's behind turns his poo into gold for streets of heaven his electric eel chi energy powers Heaven with love his piddle the river of life read your book of revelation and watch Sid Roth YouTube

I partially believe in Jesus because of this I still have my doubts and even if I had a full blown nde I'd doubt myself because of so much conflicting nde evidence but the thought of Jesus paying my karmic debt when I know I'm extremely flawed helps me https://sinscienceandspirituality.blogspot.com/2017/10/why-should-one-love-jesus-and-god.html

Cows say noooo food moooore cats say meow I'm hurting crows fuck em kill em I'm also a druid.

I have a friend who sold dodgy tyres the bible says about the king of tyre o tyre o tyre doth I said you were perfect I also found a poet who knew James Joyce my sister minded whose poetry was in the bible.

Richard Dawkins author of the selfish gene and god delusion is scared of haunted houses a closet deist imo arguing for god he believes as much as me all considered and I carried around a beeping smoke alarm for a month believing a cursing Jesus was putting thoughts in my head and beep.

A lot of people have crucifictions a local shaman predecessor to myself had a death I believe worse than jesus 6 months dying at home choking of alcoholic caused throat cancer expecting life to be all fun because he met the Mary in a coma and doctor said he would not walk but did,

I saw Jesus on the throne in a lucid dream once just halo Jesus unanimated in a dark background felt unworthy and said I'd more work to do for my saintly dead mother's 80th birthday. Also went down in a coffin with badasses banging woke up and said thank God I'm not in Uganda....

What do you think of the fact that circumcision halves probability of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases one to another if everyone was circumsized about 3 people would have caught aids. watch heaven awaits for people who went beyond the veil and Heidi baker YouTube

Obama is duplicity the family catholic man for himself who hopes your child gets his penis cut off because boy is asking what's that for at 3 it's ugly and mothers won't tell their little boys. Isthis some anti beta man population control or saving women injury of bad pregnancy.

6666 children aborted in 2019 Ireland Obamacare highest paid job in New York 666k dollars a year abortion doctor... Obama a family man like Jordan Peterson lifestyle asking women to give their boys vaginas and be LGBT hedonists that is duplicity ask yourself why Obama's car is called the Beast?????

About the Author

I Denis Joseph Barrow email: barrow_dj@yahoo.com. am a wayward soul, talk to Jesus through Nature, and he told me these truths from life, reading other Peoples Work, Educating myself YouTube watching Jordan Peterson, Sid Roth It's Supernatural, Saddleback Church, and talking to friends.

Lastly a nun receiving the wounds of christ if you don't believe in the Supernatural

Stigmata 1989

Watching Sigmata 1989 the video above didn't scare me in the slightest, I was quite cocky at an agnostic ex friend who said don't show me that crap an felt myself better than the twit, what scared the living crap out of me was feeling emotions which were not mine, and a friend I met 5 years later singing out of tune I thought it was angels but it describe my feelings being out of tune, I am incapable of feeling these emotions I don't have near enough empathy like a typical self absorbed male nerd teenager I didn't get upset at my mother dying of cancer I cried on the deathbed for 2 minutes in shock at how miserable she looked and got over it, I got a lot more upset about not pulling a local supermodel a year later.

 The feelings I was feeling was a character reference of Jesus from the apostles witnessing him dying on the cross, I had shell shock from it disoriented walking around Brussels for my 40th birthday. I thought i was going to be living on the street homeless for the rest of my life in guilt and shame for what Jesus did for me.
When the police came and took me to psychiatric hospital i took the easy option and went and quickly got over the shell shock because these emotions abated maybe i was supposted to live the rest of my life on the street the damn hospital cost me 2500 euro for one month and 4 conmen took me for 20 grand i'd be financially better off if i stayed on the street.

The apostles knew a good God man was dying too scared to do anything about it... hamsters helpless against the Roman Soldiers and Jew cunts cheering on the crucifiction wanting Jesus dead, the apostles expecting fire and brimstone and Hell from God the Father for themselves and all humanity in reprucussion for the Sin of letting Jesus die on the cross, as they had very little doubt..., he was the real deal.

23 minutes in hell

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