Personal Account: My journey with Jesus, a Testimonial

The previous era of my life upto 2006 at 38 years old is in the following book.

The Nerds Survival Guide the book was self published, fairly honest, as far as my limited perspective of life was concerned, as. I didn't watch the Jordan Peterson giving fatherly advice on YouTube yet, or Alexander Grace advising on women.

The self absorbed book made me alienate friends owing to me expressing uncomplimentary opinions about them behind their back..., without asking them. It's a story of a prodigal son with addictions to women who thought diamonds were a girls best friend was true because of Hollywood consumerism misrepresented by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers who educated me these untruths which I loved as they were charmingly presented on film, rather than the Beatles truth money can't buy me love which left an average looking Nerd like me in the lurch as I wanted pretty women and after dutch courage in pubs not attracting women as I hadn't my act together I ended up a overpaid programmer in Stuttgart unable & unwilling to relate to women in pubs and ended up chasing strippers who for the most part played a charming game of we have got cookies but you ain't getting any and plucking me of an awful lot of my excess cash. I ended up being thrown in psychiatric hospital by police appearing at the bottom of my bed, I beleive these were gaurdian angels preventing me ruining the lives of myself strippers and my potentially badly looked after children as I only expected to be married to one for 6 months before we seperated.

For my 40'th birthday, life begins at 40 I lived emotionally what it felt like to be an apostle with Jesus dying on the cross in Brussels, I felt dirty and like shit these emotions were not mine I realised how little I cared for people and how little gratitude I had for Jesus who only asked God the father for responsibility for the souls of humanity and died on the cross for me personally, the full story is here.

A new friend of a friend wrote this I think this is appropriate here.

Other fairy stories are here but do not read yet they will take you off course.

At around 47 one Sunday I was high again and the tyres of my bike were inflating and deflating cycling uphill possibly caused by friction temporarily heating the air in the tyres but I think it was the faeries from Mass my bike was a Hacker like myself acts weird and cost 300 euro a Biblical price. At home I had the feeling Jesus was going to visit me that night, but unbeknownst to myself I started doing voodoo in the house with objects that represented people and wanted to isolate a annoying friend so I put his statue voodoo doll away from the others. I prepared the meal tasting it occasionally, After deciding he wasn't coming I went for a walk around Shanavoher ring, I wondered what it felt like to be a fox chased by hunters. I got paranoid believed I was chased by an invisible Satan through the fields running over ditches I eventually threw off all my clothes and scapular a catholic necklace supposed to deliver one from purgatory the next Saturday and not let one go to Hell to get the Devil off my scent. I went to a neighbours door naked embarrassingly showing off my Wee Willy after my paranoid schitzofrenic, or, possibly demonic experience, and. asked him to give me l lift home. I met a policeman a few minutes later, driving a policecar. and, he dropped me home naked. My brother met with me and I willingly for a change went to St Stephens psychiatric hospital.

Shortly after that thoughts started popping into my head when the carbon monoxide alarm went off. The fairy tested my character to see was I as stupid as he thought and I proved myself quite addicted depressed immature and unwilling to work. The fairy said it was my mother and I believed it, learned about life from 500 hours of Jordan Peterson and understood the mistakes I made in life also with this fairy advising and testing me.

For my 50th birthday I beleive I met God the father in psychiatric hospital in human form as Adam did in the garden of Eden, I learned from hearing leperachauns fighting on the roof over my dormitory that money doesn't buy me love my biggest mistake. I even met what might have been a retiree of Star Trek who claimed to travel the galaxy who looked like an older version of myself.

The nurses were georgous and so were some patients, I was happy in my nappy, being fed and fed beautifully, I spent 3 months there this time.

To love means you care about someone else more than yourself.

To trust means to beleive that someone has your best interests at heart.

Jesus is love he took responsibility for our souls by paying our karmic debt dying on the cross.

Nobody gets this.

Jesus can take on any personality he likes, for me he is motherly, a trickster like a childhood friend, and totally cares for me and is talking to me 24/7 on my carbon monoxide alarm in my house beeping and putting thoughts into my head reading my mind and working little miracles to remind me he is there he is lovely and I'm only having a modest experience of what he is actually capable of, Google I went to Heaven to find those who have seen the fuller Glory of God there are loads.

 The Bible says happy is the one who has not seen yet believes, I haven't seen Jesus but he is statistically making sure beyond a doubt know he is here with me talking to me 10 times more than my next closest friend, my house is haunted by God. I need to share his wisdom with more people the bit I got unpolluted by my own mind at least.

I've been unable to pray and the only prayer I could pray was, our father, a lovely prayer, meditate on it's words.

To find out more about me and Jesus and see links to my other blogs, there is some Theories of everything in there making some attempt to unify religion and science, if you look which explain a lot of what the athiest Scientists are missing click here not too much original, but I hide my sources from Google It's Supernatural and read your Bible.

About the author


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