US Election 2020, the reason why abortion is wrong, unless Biden changes heart vote Trump

 These insights are Biblical and true loads of people went to Heaven for a look one in 25 people have near death experiences in the U.S. and have had a glimse of the afterlife at least one in 50 went to a christian Heaven Hell or both.

I watched several consistent stories on the Sid Roth channel on youtube, like this one, about a visit to Heaven.

The Angels are left minding aborted souls in Heaven have to be constantly advised on not sin and as they don´t see the horrors sin cause on Earth they don´t learn in the school of hard knocks. They aren´t judged and kept some naughty ones may constantly need to be kept at an age of innocence to avoid serious sin infecting the atmosphere of Heaven, I heard if there is a potential of a fight between children over a toy in heaven God or Angels need to intervene before it becomes sinful and infect the atmosphere of Heaven like what happened in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve ending the next thing to Heaven on Earth.  

Because irresponsible Adults shirk the responsibility of minding Children, abort them, and don´t even consider adoption, they have to be minded sometimes by warring Angels whose real job is fighting wars against the 1/3 of fallen Angels who a with the Satan as described in the Bible if they don´t grow up potentially for eternity.

Its far easier destroy than create so the devil despite being stupid has it easy making life hard for God and us and as a result abortion is the Devils no. 1 weapon against God and immoral people  from Gods perspective like Biden, Bernie Sanders, Obama and Leo Veradkar and other idiots are getting God ready for a judgment on planet Earth.

The number of children being born with Downs syndrome in Ireland and Europe has dropped now due to abortion. These children are more loving and less compeditive than high IQ ambitious narcisstic egomaniac normal children and teach a family to love. My brother and I didn't get along well until a loving dog named Barney being open minded loved the two of us so we each decided the other was lovable when we left our gaurd down for the lovely dog such is love and these children bless families to bring them together. I've educated fools of unwanted friends not working knowing 7 languages 4 postgrad computer courses after his maths computers degree compeditive in class utterly useless outside liar and narcisstic gossip who watches star trek all day while my cousin is mongoloid washes dishes in a restruant and is making a major contribution to the world by providing great service to mankind and displays way more wisdom in his profound simplicity than philosophers like Focault who died of an STD owing to his foolish addictions while educating the world with his nihilistic foolishness.

The Aztecs were eliminated from the face of the earth by Spainards/God for child sacrifices, judgment may be similar for Abortion in the world, prophets on Sid Roth youtube channel say if Biden gets in he will let communist Chinese and Russians start to take over the U.S. by Feb 2022, what then Biden?

The ethics of the Bible are perfect, its just that people rebel in the Old Testament who have to be reprimanded for going against God sinning and making everyones life difficult especially Gods. 

Earth turns into a place close on as good as Heaven when we don´t Sin and pray, hell otherwise, try Syria & ISIS for size, this is Biblical and quantum mechanical David in the Bible had to choose between 3 types of punishment on Israel for his sin. Cowards go to hell see St Paul in the Bible either Biden gets  biblical values or vote Trump again, no choice unless we want the wrath of God who needs to mop up the mess of Sin.


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