The truth about mad people

From personal experience I can safely say that nearly half of what drives men mad is doing bad with women, lying to yourself about how they feel about you, and  a misalignment of talent, dreams, and, ambition, lying to yourself about your ability in a field singing to yourself, "I believe I can fly" no amount of parading on support for mad people on Facebook will fix this.

A lot of what drives men mad is women, dogs have his balls sawn off cos they annoy people chasing bitches in heat, likewise, for men antipsychotics are tranquilizers which bring sexual appetite under control well thats one of their functions, sex drive has similar effects on the brain as cocaine.

The rest of what drives people mad is 25%  drink and drugs, 15% genetic, 10% environment. Be there for people, listen, learn, and, if you introduce two lonely people who may get on, and, are responsible enough to clean their act up for a relationship, good for you. I'm very thankful to the few that broke ice for me, and, its my own fault I didn't manage to close deals.

If people have stupid ideas when high argue in a friendly manner with them why their delusion is wrong but if they are seeing things don't argue both of my aunts saw dead relations, but argue about conclusions in what people think if they've no evidence or destructive.

I had an Apple Computers Bible rant last time in hospital, see here for more info, I thought Apple were going to make phones blow up in rich people's faces by a mechanism I won't elaborate on in case some terrorist organisation thinks its a good idea. 80% of psychiatric medication could be got rid of if people talked to rational good listeners when high. and rein in the stupid shit. going through their heads.It's like training a horse :)

The most important thing to note about having a breakdown is your not quite as mad as people think except for delusions but an educated man will throw every belief and inhibition he had since he was 2 years old and restart because they were not getting him the thing he desired his thoughts and beliefs weren't serving him. This is why he went mad started having delusions and May have even willed himself into an alternate reality which may also have been caused by lack of sleep and dreams infecting reality. 

The bipolar when they go into a state where they have 5 ideas a minute are idea matchmakers some good some bad they should get a pen and paper or phone recorder and record them as they come. Linus Torvalds idea was a free Unix clone with licencing he agreed with ....30 years later no 1 Operating System on the planet Servers, runs google, Android phones, Chromebooks ,Sky boxes..... Mad idea.


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