Reasons why I believe DMT-The spirit molecule is in the imagination and different from an NDE near death experience
I've no experience of psychadellics that I'm aware of unless I was drugged in a decadent environment in my past while thinking i was drinking alcohol and spiked but I've had audio hallucinations and psychic experiences like my dog Barney licking me spiritually a month before receiving him.
I've also had experiences of buildings changing shape like Flash Gordon and machine elves as Terence McKenna calls them, a sex doll robot made of a spiral sheet metal sitting in a sexual position face to face with a male in a car changing gears straddling my friend while driving, green lightening within a room striking immediately before falling asleep and delusions owing to Schitzofrenia.
That said shamans are able to sing visuals into reality for people on Ayahuasca speech and reality seem to be related also jesters in DMT experiences seem to be able to speak things into reality like Gods. These seem to be visions of the future or an alternate dimension in space and linked possibly with virtual reality or an actual future where kids play pranks on people in the past and can command reality by voice possibly due to control of nano robots building reality about them.
Also in NDE's people report seeing colours which do not exist in our reality I believe this is because the wavelengths of light we are able to perceive get extended and seemingly to X-Ray vision as the streets of gold in Heaven are transparent.
DMT experience memories seem to fade like dreams this doesn't happen for NDE's as far as I know.
This is a shared LSD experience but rather than being fully shared LSD experience it appears like LSD just awakened energy manipulation to orgasm here. This kindof happened me while throwing seaweeed into the sea from the right hand walking along an ocean waiting for the feet to get wet before getting rid of the seaweed to get rid of negative energy at a friends suggestion while slightly psychotic I had a kundilini experience I felt my negative energy flow into the seaweed so much so I thought the friends accompanying me were angels taking me to heaven. Psychadellic/psychocitic experiences just awaken one to new age energy healing I believe.
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