The joys of Reverse Polish Notation
Update: The program described here has made serious discoveries between Music,Fundamental Particle Masses, and Beauty see here. The big deal about Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is that it eliminates the need for operator precedence and parentheses. We will symbolise multiplication by the "*" symbol rather than x to keep with programming tradition. Why brackets are needed take the sum 2*3+4 can be interpreted 2 ways 2*(3+4)=14 & (2*3)+4=10, without parentheses , typically we assume multiplication has higher precedence than addition ,in most programming languages in that multiplication is done before addition, meaning that we interpret the otherwise ambiguous sum 2*3+4 as (2*3)+4 in computer languages like C. In short parentheses are a bad inelegant idea in Mathematics and never should have been invented, they are as stupid as Roman Numerals. Youtube video here. Wikipedia RPN explanation here which is quite thorough. Well what use is this for programming...
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